Welcome to Powerful Parenting Academy Headquarters!

I congratulate you on this very important decision to enrich your family’s life with character. During the next 8 weeks, we will embark on a focused training process that will help you accomplish your family’s goals with chores, behavior, attitude, relationships and more! I am in thrilled expectation of how your family will transform...I can’t wait to see how you will apply what you are learning and the amazing results you will experience!

You have already made the first commitment. But now it is time to make the second commitment- and that is to take the time to review this material And APPLY IT!! The real change will come when you master what you learn...just like I did many years back.

Each week will consist of an online training session with time for questions and answers.
Please review the calendar tab above for an outline of how to "consume" and apply the program. During the training sessions I will direct you to use the PDF’s and other resource material.
I look forward to our time together!

Join the Discussion

Jump into the action right away by joining the Building Character community in our exclusive members only private forum. Don’t be shy, introduce yourself…tell us how many children you have and what are your expected goals for this course! Then follow up on the discussion by posting your most important character questions and comments. Click here to open the Facebook page and find "Join Group." One of our admins will approve you and you are in!!You will be notified by email within 1-2 weeks regarding your first group coaching call! Usually they are in the early afternoon on a weekday. You can call in from any phone and participate at your convenience. If you happen to miss it, you can always listen to the replay in the VIP section.

Video 2

Course Contents

The content  I have prepared for you is outlined below. In the four main categories, you will find all the important information to help you accomplish your parenting and character goals. Click on each category to reveal the details of each course content.