Children Who Don't Listen, Talk Back and Fight?
ATTENTION PARENTS- Mom of 6 Reveals How You Can:
Start Raising Respectful, Obedient and Cooperative Children Easily,
So You Can Finally Enjoy Peaceful and Calm Days!
This exclusive training will show you how to finally have the family you've dreamed of... Simply register now!
In this training, you'll discover:
The Simple Parenting
Words I Use to Actually
Get Children to Follow Through
I share the exact word for word script I use to make sure I am communicating in a way your child follows through when you ask them to put the shoes away or pick up their room.
One Simple Shift Any
Parent Can Make to See
Better Communication at Home
Connection at home is everything, but most parents have no clue how to establish an open and loving relationship where children ACTUALLY listen to them and feel loved. I show you how to make sure this never happens again.
Common Destructive Pitfalls
Most Parents Ignore to the
Detriment of their Relationship
Most parents engage in useless arguments and power struggles that lead nowhere and create disrespect and negativity in the family. In the videos I tell you exactly how to get rid of the struggles from the core.
How to Eliminate the
Backtalk and Fighting
Between You and the Kids
Backtalk and disrespect is at an all time high... parents hardly know how to establish loving authority and boundaries. Let me show you how to gain back the respect and honor every family should have at home.
How to Stop Nagging
and Arguing with the Kids
to Ensure More Peaceful Days
Parents push their kids away when they nag, yell and argue. Nothing is more disturbing to the parent-child relationship than this... that is why I share how you can invite more peaceful and calm days into your family environment.
4 Parenting Pillars
that Saved Our Family
From Falling Totally Apart
As a mom of six, our share of family and marriage struggles have taught me so much! We honestly would have not made it through without these 4 simple pillars that literally saved our family from falling apart.
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