Your Breakthrough Call Has Been Confirmed!
Hey, thanks for scheduling a 1-1 call!
Please take 10 seconds to write down your appointment details. My coaches and I are booked back to back and we are excited about speaking with you.
On this call, we'll talk about what isn’t working in your family right now, and identify ways we can get you unstuck and on a path to everyone getting along, with more joy, more peace and a greater feeling of freedom.
This message is just to make sure you’re 100% ready, and can get the most out of the call.
At the time you selected, one of our coaches will call you. We recommend being free from distractions (so no social media, no TV, etc.) and having something to take notes on. You can use a laptop, but good old-fashioned pen and paper works well too.
Think about your biggest struggles in family right now, and what you’d like to achieve in 6-12 months’ time. We’ll walk you through some specific action steps to get there, and help out with any roadblocks you might be hitting right now.
That’s it! I did just want to say congratulations though. So many people talk about working on their life, but here you are, actually doing it. We can’t wait to speak with you.
You are Awesome,

P.S. From time to time, we get people who want to cancel their calls or just don’t show up at all. And I get that sometimes life gets in the way and there are last-minute things that come up. However... as a coach, I know that's just a form of self sabotage. Think about it - when was the last time you had a dedicated mentor speak with you about getting unstuck and moving you ahead? That's why you owe it to yourself, to your family and your life to take these 25 minutes with your coach. I promise you, it’s going to be life-changing.
P.P.S. Before we talk, let's get to know each other a little more. Here's my story- click here.
What Others Are Saying:
Officially Endorsed by Youtube Family from Reality Changers, Jorge and Nancy Narvaez

I found myself trying to force my children to obey and consider others. After listening and implementing the principles learned in this program, our days are smoother and I feel like I am actually focusing on the most important thing…character!
L. Holley, Kansas City, MS
My daughter and I were very impressed with your children. She couldn’t believe that your son was running the cash register on his own. They were so well behaved and it is apparent it’s not only outward. They have such confidence and peacefulness about them. You have such a gift for speaking. Your content, as well as your style is a pleasure to listen to. You were very organized and clear and that helps everyone to follow and learn.
T. Diaz, Florida
You have been an INCREDIBLE source of encouragement to me!!! Your information and knowledge has been so helpful!
Shirley, this training video is sooooo helpful!...Talked with boys today about doing some more chores and they are really excited to help. I'm going to focus on one room at a time. We are going to work in the kitchen, then the bathroom and then laundry. My boys are excited to help out! I'm looking forward to working together and having a little more help keeping the house up. Thanks Shirley Solis!
LaToya Edwards
Thank you for the discipline tips Shirley! I can't wait to watch this video again with the hubby! Last night's class was awesome!
Jacqueline L.
Just to let you know that working as a team has helped my daughter and I a lot. Much less "burning love" driving me crazy and making me loose it easily. Less fuzz and more effectiveness. Thank you Shirley!
Roxana V.
Shirley, as always you are blessing my socks off! Thank you so much for this course. It comes at a GREAT time for our family. You and your family are such a wonderful example for all of us!
Cassie G.
Initiative...what a positive way of putting that they do the thinking. Great things are happening and much freedom in it. Thank you so much!
Jennifer C.
Just listened to your workshop Shirley. I especially thank you for your PDF! We are always in search for "character" type books. So nice to have it all on a list too!
Christine B.
So appreciated last night's class. I am learning SO much and this time of learning has helped our time of learning at home greatly this week. Thank you Shirley for offering this wonderful class to us all.
Kim K.