About Us

We are the Solis Family! We are so glad to meet you and so grateful you would allow us to be a part of your world! We are a jiu-jitsu, superhero fanatic, ugly sweater, army, entrepreneurial family.
Powerful Parenting Academy started when we owned a homeschool traveling bookstore. People were amazed at our children working the cash register at very young ages (as early as seven!).
People asked and asked “What do you do to get your children to work so hard? To behave so well? To be so mature?” In response to the demand, we put together a workshop, which then evolved into this program.
Through our life and seminars, we have taught thousands of people around the country about character, relationships and family! As one of our more popular talks, rooms are often “standing room only” to hear Shirley share her secrets on parenting and family.
The opportunity is now available for you, because we put together the most complete package on raising children of character, building a new legacy and creating a powerful family. We are ready to share what we have learned with you in this step by step powerful parenting program. With Powerful Parenting Academy, your family will never be the same! It will be better. It will be POWERFUL!